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Recent advances in soot nucleation understanding

Pascale Desgroux, Laboratoire de Physicochimie des Processus de Combustion et de l'Atmosphère (PC2A), France

Pascale Desgroux is Research Director at CNRS. She earned her PhD in Combustion from the University of Rouen. She has a strong expertise in laser diagnostics (laser-induced fluorescence, cavity ring-down spectroscopy) and spectroscopy for detecting minor species in flames. Recent developments of laser induced incandescence allow the detection of incipient (2-4 nm) soot particles in flames. She participates to the development of chemical mechanisms of pollutant formationin flames particularly for the prompt-NO formation and the nucleation of soot particles. She was involved in several European projects related with the measurement of soot particles and she coordinated research programs of the french agency for research (ANR) related with NO and soot formation in flames. She co-supervised 20 doctoral theses. She has served in the editorial boards of Combustion and Flame (2008-2012) and Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (2015-2018). She is associate editor of The Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2014-2020) and she was the Guest editor of the Special issue Laser Induced Incandescence (2013). She has served the Combustion Institute as colloquium co-chair, colloquium coordinator and as member of the Board of The Combustion Institute since 2014

Chemical Kinetics of Oxygenated Molecules

Zeynep Serinyel, CNRS-INSIS, Institut de Combustion, Aérothermique, Réactivité et Environnement, Orléans, France

Zeynep Serinyel received her B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Middle East Technical University and her PhD in Physical Chemistry from National University of Galway Ireland in 2011. Since her doctoral studies, her research interest has been focused on chemical kinetics of hydrocarbons and mostly of oxygenated biofuels. Her research activities cover both experimental and kinetic modeling (model development) aspects. She is currently an Assistant Professor in chemistry, University of Orléans. She is a member of the French section of the Combustion Institute.

MILD combustion: from igni-diffusion to temperature tailored processes

Mara de Joannon, Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IRC-CNR), Naples, Italy

Mara de Joannon is member of Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IRC-CNR) in Naples. She graduated cum laude in Chemical Engineering at University Federico II (Naples) where she also received her PhD degree. Currently, she develops research on advanced combustion processes and technologies supporting the exploitation of renewable energy sources. Conversion of gaseous and liquid energy carriers (fossil and alternative fuels as well as unconventional molecules), in efficient and fuel flexible processes/systems is her main current field of interest. Starting from 1996 she pioneered the systematic study of highly pre-heated and diluted (MILD) combustion. She is currently the chair of the management committee of a COST Action, involving 30 countries, focused on the use of Smart Energy Carriers in advanced combustion technology ( As academic role, in collaboration with the University of Naples, she supervises of Engineering Master and PhD theses in the field of combustion kinetics, pollutant formations and MILD combustion. As member of the Combustion Institute, she acted as Colloquium Co-Chair (twice) and Coordinator of New Technology Concepts Colloquium and was member of several committees (Governance Policy, By-Law, Program Advisory Committees are among them). She was and currently is colloquium co-chair ofCO2Capture Process and New Concepts at Mediterranean Combustion Symposium. She is an Associated Editor of Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Elsevier

Laser-based Flame Structure Visualisation for Quantitative Interpretation of Combustion in Small Scale Turbulent Flows

Zhongshan Li, Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University, Sweden

Zhongshan Li received his B.S. degree in solid-state physics and M.S. degree in infrared physics from Jilin University, China, in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in engineering science from Lund University, Sweden, in 2000. Since then, he has been with the Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University, where he is currently an Associate Professor of laser combustion diagnostics. His research interest has been focused on the development and application of advanced laser diagnostics to turbulent combustion, biomass utilization, nonthermal plasma characterization and nanoparticle synthesis. He has published more than 190 peer reviewed journal papers and has an h-index 33 in Google scholar.

The challenge of modelling aeronautical combustion chambers

Ruud Eggels, Rolls-Royce Deutschland

After finishing my study in Physics and a Ph.D. in combustion modelling at the University Eindhoven in the Netherlands, I joined Rolls-Royce more than twenty years ago. I started to work in the UK, since 2001 I am located in Germany. Within Rolls-Royce I am responsible for managing combustion methods development and related research projects within the combustion department. This implies the initialisation and coordination of national and European projects. The research is in close cooperation with universities and research institutes. We have developed long term relationships with a number of so-called University Technology Centres.

I initiate and support fundamental combustion research and bring the developed technology into an industrial environment to improve the predicting capability of combustion processes of aeronautical combustion chambers. The final objective is to use CFD as a design tool for combustors. It is a challenge to accurately prediction emissions; NOx, CO and Soot, heat transfer and thermo-acoustics. Since two years. I am member of the board of the German Section of the Combustion Institute

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Contact for general inquiries:


Rita Maia

Instituto Superior Técnico, DEM
Pav. Mecânica I, 2º andar
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa

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